Simple strategies to start losing weight FAST

Simple strategies to start losing weight FAST
Simple strategies to start losing weight FAST

I’m not your typical fashion model. Most fashion models were BORN naturally slim with petit skeletons. Most fashion models are blessed with a higher-than-average metabolism and good genes.

I was not one of them. I was born with a naturally low metabolism and a family and ancestry of obesity.

I had three-deckers of fat around my waist and hips and would gain weight at the blink of an eye. I hated buying and wearing trousers because each time I would be reminded that I’m a size 16…

But I succeed in changing my body permanently through educating myself extensively on nutrition and exercise fitness.

Here are three powerful things you can do today, which I apply on a daily basis to start loosing weight immediately:

1. Drink 20 cups of water or herbal tea- Today make a solid decision to drink 20 cups of herbal tea or fizzy water... Go and grab yourself a cup of tasty fizzy mineral water, add a few drops of lemon or grapefruit juice to add some tang and finish the cup. Alternatively, brew yourself a cup of Detox tea, green before 4pm (Green tea and detox tea contain caffeine and disturb your sleep if taken in the evening) and chamomile tea for after 4pm (chamomile tea does not disturb your sleep). By keping yourself hydrated ALL DAY LONG you will automatically eat less and feel less hungry.
I am personally infamous for the amount of herbal tea I drink per day. Green tea and detox tea in the mornings, chamomile in the evenings. I Sip before, after and between my meals. Try this technique out and notice how much this easy to apply trick suppresses your appetite.
15 Reasons to Start Drinking Green Tea Every Day

2. Slow the fuck down!- If you are overweight or obese my intelligent guess is that you are a fast eater. Notice how Americans the most obese nation in the world are the fastest eaters with lunch breaks of 20 minutes or less. For your next meal, today set an alarm clock to 40 minutes and spread your meal out so that it takes you 40 minutes to consume it. Sip in between, take your time to chew and let the food melt in your mouth. Chat, read a book simultaneously or watch ur favorite movie, but either way, slow the fuck down. I am infamous among my friends and family for being a slow eater and I’m usually half finished when everyone else is done.

3. You can use Slimming Essential Oil Firming Massage Oil Fat Burning Loss Weight Slimming Oil Body Care for fast and best resualts

These three techniques alone will have you losing a few pounds during this month. Try it and get back to me with your positive results!!